Where the heart is
Type: Class Project
Time Taken: 1 week | Software Used: Adobe InDesign, Medibang Paint Pro
Based on excerpts of Ruskin Bond's 'A Book of Simple Living: Brief Notes from the Hills (2015)', we were asked to design a brief for ourselves, keeping in mind a target audience and potential illustrative style.
I decided to go with a lineless, analogue rendering style as I felt it best captured the simplicity and roots of the writing.
The colour scheme I went ahead with was a mixture of greens, dark blues and cream. Once again, inspired by the imagery of the hills and clouds descending on their peaks.
I wanted to use a very simple, welcoming and fresh seeming colour palette to be able to accurately represent the feeling one gets when reading Ruskin Bond's writing.

Madelinette Grande
Mrs Eaves XL OT
I chose Madelinette Grande for the title font as it gave the feeling of handwriting, and looked lovely, while also being easy to read. While Mrs Eaves XL OT was chosen for its similarity to the feeling the text itself gave me, and what I tried to show through my illustrations.
In line with the text, I chose to focus on the small everyday things, to bring attention to them in hopes that the reader would be able to notice them even in their own lives after reading the book, and that this practice would bring them the joy that Ruskin Bond talked about.
I used simple imagery that enhanced the text beside it, bringing attention to the small but interesting visuals I noticed in the respective lines, in order to capture the imagination and attention of the reader.